Monday, 13 January 2020

Great Generation Care - One Policy Cover 3 Generation 一个保单保障三代

一人投保*3代受惠 - 大东方全马独家
One policy, 3 generation coverage. 

Great Eastern Malaysia offer.

- Comprehensive coverage against critical illnesses
- Protection against death or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)
- Free protection to your children (or future children) up to 45 critical illness + 11 child Illness till age 18.
***Optional Parent Protect Rider to safeguard your parents’ golden years. Entry age below age 80. (Protection till age 100 for Alzheimer/Severe Dementia, Cancer, Parkinson's disease) with no medical underwriting.
- Return of total premiums paid or more at maturity

We advise You decide. PM for quote now.
产品详情 :Product Brochure - Great Eastern Great Generation Care

- 保自己人寿、残疾、45 种重疾病。
- 不管你有几个孩子或未来的孩子统统给你免费保到18岁
(45重疾病 + 11儿童疾病)
- 可选择额外提供父母 3大保障 至100岁 ***无需体检***
爸爸妈妈身体不健康了,不用紧,只要没有过80岁照样保。(Alzheimer老人痴呆 Severe Dementia 严重痴呆、Cancer 癌症、Parkinson's disease 帕金森氏症 )
本身保费满期 Refund 保费保证没有亏。

顾问给建议 您来做决定 - 『留爱、不留遗憾』

Overview of the benefits
How Great Generation Care works:

List of Critical Illnesses and Child Illnesses covered under this plan

Q: Who can apply? 
A: The minimum entry age is 17 years next birthday and the maximum entry age is 60 years next birthday. 

Q: How much sum assured can I purchase? 
A: The minimum sum assured for this plan is RM50,000 and the maximum sum assured is RM4,000,000.

Sample chart for both husband / wife age30 signup RM250K sum assured. Free protection for children.

Sample chart for both husband / wife age30 signup monthly RM150 & RM200. Free protection for children.

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

The difference between Eastern Granpa VS Western Grandpa. Treasure legacy

Table show how western grandpa manage their legacy.
Understand how insurance work, help to build your legacy for children.

Why Chinese say wealth does not pass three generations?
Picture tell everything.
Buying insurance cannot change your life but it prevents your lifestyle from being changed - Jack Ma
顾问给建议 您来做决定
Free policy review. We advise You decide

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