Saturday, 1 March 2025

KWSP EPF has declared a 6.30% dividend for both conventional and Syariah savings for 2024

KWSP EPF has declared a 6.30% dividend for both conventional and Syariah savings for 2024 — the highest since 2018

#KWSP #EPF #Dividen #公积金 #退休金
#LTLifeFinancial #LTLifetimePlanner #Retirement #RetirementPlanning 
#SavingPlan #储蓄保险 #退休规划

Sunday, 19 January 2025

2025 Business & Family 风险管理规划


  • Employee Benefit
  • Keyman Insurance
  • Retirement Plan
  • Income Replacement Plan
  • Child & Maternity Insurance
  • Estate Planning Will & Trust
  • Liability Insurance
  • Housing Loan MLTA
  • Car, Fire & Travel Insurance
  • 员工医疗福利
  • 企业关键人物保险
  • 退休计划: 包括医疗储蓄和支出
  • 替代收入规划确保财务稳定
  • 儿童及孕妇保险
  • 资产规划、遗产遗嘱和信托
  • 责任保险: 保护法律责任
  • 房屋抵押贷款定期保险
  • 汽车、火灾及旅游保险

Saturday, 14 December 2024

2025 保险起价70巴仙吗?很多留言要断保你会断

马来西亚2024年尾热沸腾腾的话题 - 保险起价

  • 每个公司都是赚钱为主。没有人会和老板说我最低薪金帮你打工吧?运营模式就是拿投保人的钱去投资赚钱。就和银行、股票行、投资机构一样的道理。到时才有钱给分红、理赔。
  • 有人说保险公司赚了84亿。全国16家保险公司。有些保单是必须有固定分红。有传统保单的公司还需要确保满期退款加红利给保客,而且是不能起价的。保险公司当然要赚钱来承担风险理赔合约。
  • 其实不可能“赚” 84亿。因为最大的大东方首6个月的税前营利才7.6亿。看好是【税前】。如果说全国人寿新保单的总收费还比较符合前年的资料大约税前70亿。

  • 买车买包去旅行拍照的被针对了。和任何行业的销售代理一样。付出多机会多成交多自然有回报。有的人低调有的人高调。也有人会包装。背后的努力付出、或者不堪没有人会喜欢摆在台面给人批评。
  • 当初说好的到100岁怎么现在要起价才能到100岁?其实也很难争辩是代理说错还是投保人记错。反正有人责怪就对了。
  • 私人医院救死扶伤的同时也需要经费经营和获利。同时也有给予病人更多的选择。8人房、双人房和单人房当然是不同的价钱。
  • 医院也需要知道病人的经济能力到那里。有的治疗可以有2种选择。传统4、5寸长伤口收费便宜但伤口大感染风险高。痊愈不能工作的时间长。万一弄破伤口需要休养的时间更久了。开孔 Keyhole 手术收费较高但伤口小大约一寸。照护容易痊愈快。你有保险会选哪个?
  • 同样的情况在某些癌症治疗药也一样。有的药贵因为效果好。也有的是到了后期必须拿最贵的药续命。电视剧常见情节 “医生请用最好的药一定要把我的爱人父母孩子救回来。
  • 新药、机器、技术的研发需要投入时间和人力成本。没盈利没人投资。没投资没研究人员。没人员没产品。没产品没销售。这样的话把公司关了吧。
  • 伽玛刀机器的成本大约 1300万起一台。每5年的维修成本超过150万。可是它可以让不超过3.5cm 的脑瘤手术无需开颅开刀。免去脑手术的感染风险、失血风险。尤其的年长的病患。


  • 各保险公司都有不同的 invest fund 投资基金可选。有的是高风险高回酬,同时管理费也较高。有的低回酬不吸引但好在稳定,管理费低。
  • 保险公司的底蕴。多人给保费自然本钱多。简单的“吃利息”比喻大家应该能明白。钱多才能赚更多钱的道理。钱不够多好的投资也没法参与分一杯羹。
  • 多人给保费不是更多人理赔吗?好问题!所以原则上保险公司只收健康的人。一个生病高风险的人肯定是不能投保的。这时候公司的 Underwriter 就很重要的。尤其是在考虑批准健康指数在边缘的申请。

  • 保险分5大类型的保单。人寿、医疗、重疾、意外、储蓄。有些保单是单一功能的、有的是三合一或者可随意整合。代理对保险种类的专业很重要。因为需要给投保人合适的建议。越多附加利益 riders 自然加重成本。起价的影响就更多。
  • 设计保单的可持续性 Sustainability。主要为 Investment Link Plan 投联型。为了吸引客户买单抛出最低入场卷。一个保到80岁的保单把保费压到最低只持续到65岁。这种情况即使不起价,到了65岁保费不提高就是等断保了。
  • 选择高风险的基金。在演示估价表的时候只给投保人看“最漂亮”的估计成绩。让人有一种美好的感觉。没有把低回酬的表现讲解清楚。
  • 认知和选择不够全面。市场还有保单合约阐明是不会起价 premium guarantee 的传统保单。让投保人更好的规划。因为保费统一,在未来通货膨胀的情况下这种保费可以说是越给越便宜。

  • 无可否认还是有管理上的漏洞。一些非必需、非医疗品的项目增加了理赔的负担。
  • “免费体检” 可以算公开的密码吗?有健康的投保人要求医生配合写报告让自己可以免费住院接受身体检查。


1. 投保人的选项
  • 保单分析深入探讨自己的保单种类、功能利益选项。了解所选基金和可持续到多久。作出需要的调整。选择最适合的保障范围。避免过度投保,既浪费了保费,也增加了经济负担。
  • 配合投保传统保单 Traditional Plan。让10年后的自己依然可以用10年前的保费得到保障。还有满期利益呢。
  • 选择财务状况良好、偿付能力强的保险公司,以确保自己的权益得到保障
  • 养成良好的生活习惯。吸烟人士保费比较高。尤其是高年龄时段。超高或低体重BMI 也会影响保费。
  • 个人资讯更新。如果投保时职业属于高危工作class 3, 4 保费比较高。换了职业 class 1, 2 可以通知公司资料更新。包括戒烟后12个月也可以要求重新审核。

2. 保险公司决策
  • 客户教育加强对客户的风险教育,提高客户的风险意识,减少不必要的索赔。
  • 严厉审查理赔项目。有些医院被保险公司移除 Panel 地位。不能直接无现金理赔 cash less claim / GL guarantee letter。这类医院只能客户自己先付款再申请理赔。只有通过改善管理才能再次申请成为 Panel Hospital。
  • 提升合作关系。比如大东方人寿在 Panel Hospital 里面还提高了一个 Preferred Hospital 的首选地位。条件包括更快速的处理、费用折扣等。
  • 严格把控非必要的高昂治疗选项。非紧急事故治疗鼓励事先申请GL 让审核部门有时间更好的把关。
  • 严格控制投资风险,避免因投资失误导致的损失。

3. 医院管理
  • 严控写报告让健康的投保人做“免费体检”的歪风。
  • 运营成本控制。多重检查保安、清洁工、建筑维护的合约费用。
  • 通过流程优化、自动化等手段,减少冗余岗位,提高人员工作效率。
  • 对医院的各项业务流程进行梳理和优化,减少不必要的环节,提高工作效率。
  • 合理用药严格控制药品的品种和数量,避免过度医疗。

  • 这次事件发酵其实是好事。终于举国上下一起关注。
  • 保费起价本不是新鲜事。万物涨价、政府提高最低薪金制、外劳EPF都在影响各行各业运行成本。
  • 这次会引起大反应是因为大家都知道疾病治疗费用是无法估计的。很多时候弄垮一个家庭的就是一场疾病意外。
  • 政府医院的低消费确实是我国人民的福利。但是要建立足够的医院来应付全国人民的医疗需求还需要很长远的建设规划。包括硬体和软体、人员培养等需要很多钱哦。希望别再加小老百姓的税务。
  • 保险的目的不是发财。而是要保住赚钱的人、保住赚到的钱。




  • 风险因素: 保险标的的风险越高,保费一般越高。
  • 成本因素: 保险公司的经营成本、赔付成本等都会影响保费水平。
  • 市场竞争: 市场竞争越激烈,保费水平越趋于合理。

#LTLifeFinancial #LifetimePlanner #保险 #保险起价 #保费起价
#医疗保险 #医药卡 #传统保单 #我是生命规划师

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

The reason why family wealth does not last beyond three generations. Check solution here


Certainly! The phrase “wealth does not last beyond three generations” means that family wealth is often lost by the third generation. Here’s a simpler explanation:
  1. First Generation: Makes the money.
  2. Second Generation: Saves and keeps the money.
  3. Third Generation: Spends the money without making more.

This happens because the third generation might not know how to manage the money well or understand the hard work it took to make it. To prevent this, families need to teach each generation how to handle and grow their wealth.
  • First Generation: Creates the wealth through hard work, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
  • Second Generation: Witnesses the effort of the first generation and tends to preserve the wealth, often expanding it through careful stewardship.
  • Third Generation: Lacks the direct connection to the hard work and sacrifices made to build the wealth, which can lead to a sense of entitlement and less motivation to maintain or grow the assets.

Several factors contribute to this trend:

Lack of Financial Education: Successive generations may not receive adequate education about managing and investing wealth.
Family Dynamics: Wealth can exacerbate pre-existing family tensions, leading to conflicts and mismanagement.
Dilution of Assets: As families grow, wealth gets divided among more individuals, reducing the share each person receives.
Changing Values and Goals: Each generation may have different values and goals, which can shift focus away from wealth preservation.

To combat this, some families invest in family governance and legacy planning, ensuring that each generation understands the family’s values, the purpose of their wealth, and how to sustain it. This includes creating mission and vision statements, holding family meetings, and engaging in strategic planning.

It’s important to note that while this pattern is common, it’s not inevitable. With proper planning and education, families can preserve and even grow their wealth across generations

Below simple graphic show how insurance planning concept ensure assets pass on more than 3 generation.

#insurance #InsuranceTrust #Trustee #WealthPlanning #EstatePlanning #

Saturday, 25 May 2024

Keyman Insurance 关键要员保险的作用是?保住你经营的生意和家庭


🔑Keyman Insurance(关键人员保险)
是一种商业保险,用于确保公司在关键人员(如主要收入来源者、股东或业务所有者)因意外或疾病导致死亡或永久性残疾时,公司的现金流能够继续。 以下是其核心功能:
✅说穿了就是一份人寿保险。当然也 适用于负责赚钱养家的丈夫、父亲、甚至是妻子或者母亲。 一家和乐是因为我们都在。哪天不在了,还是留份保单最实在。
  1. Shareholder or Partner Protection: In cases where key personnel are shareholders or partners, insurance funds can be used to purchase their shares, preventing the shares from falling into competitors’ hands.

  2. Risk Management: Provides a risk management tool for businesses to prevent irreversible damage to the company caused by the absence of key personnel.

  3. Financial Stability: Ensures that the company can continue operations and maintain financial stability when key personnel are unable to work.

  4. Debt Protection: If key personnel are responsible for the company’s debts, insurance funds can be used to repay the debts, alleviating the company’s financial burden.

  5. Talent Replacement Costs: Provides funds to recruit and train new key personnel to fill the vacancies left by the absence of key personnel.

  6. Tax Planning: In some cases, insurance expenses may be tax-deductible, which can be part of corporate tax planning.

Key person insurance is an important part of corporate risk management strategy, helping to ensure that businesses can maintain operations and financial security when facing the risk of losing key personnel. It offers a way for businesses to mitigate the economic impact that may arise from unfortunate events involving key personnel.

Monday, 6 May 2024

Free Double Up Medical - 免费双倍升级医药卡 - May 2024

visit 欢迎联系了解更多 PM :
- Free Insurance Quote 免费保单估计
- Insurance Agent Consultation 保险经纪资讯服务
- Medical Card advise 医药卡资讯
- Life Insurance Plan 人寿保障计划
- Will & Trust Planning 遗嘱信托规划
#LTLifeFinancial #我是生命规划师 #医药卡 #房屋贷款 #遗嘱规划 #资产保全 #资产传承

Saturday, 9 March 2024

Great Eastern Kiddo Express Programme - Express Hospital Admission for Kids

Official Info 
GE Kiddo Express Programme

Allow parents hassle free to admit their children to the hospital for treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1. What is Kiddo Express Programme?
A1. This Programme aims to facilitate hassle-free admission and discharge for Life Assured aged 12 and below to the ward without having to wait for Guarantee Letter (GL) processing, subject to policy terms and conditions.

Q2. What are the coverable diagnoses under Kiddo Express Programme?
A2. The treating doctor will determine if the Life Assured’s condition falls under the ten (10) coverable diagnoses. The 10 coverable diagnoses are:
(1) Bronchitis 支气管炎
(2) Bronchiolitis 
(3) Cellulitis 
(4) Dengue 
(5) Food poisoning/ Acute gastroenteritis 
食物中毒 / 急性肠胃炎
(6) Hand foot mouth disease (HFMD) 
(7) Influenza 
(8) Pneumonia 
(9) Upper and/ or lower respiratory infections 
(10) Viral fever 
Please note that any other diagnoses are NOT entitled for this Programme.

Q3. What condition(s) is NOT coverable under the Kiddo Express Programme?
A3. (i) Underlying or suspected congenital diseases or malignancies (ii) Suspected or confirmed COVID-19 Infection (iii) Dental-related condition(s) (iv) Condition diagnosed within one hundred and twenty (120) days of policy inception, pre-existing or non-disclosure prior to policy inception.

Q4. What is the criteria for deciding eligibility of Kiddo Express Programme?
A4. In general, eligibility is based on policy status with up-to-date premium, policy duration >120 days, sufficient medical limit and without member’s exclusion which varies from case to case. Hospital can assess the Life Assured’s eligibility through the Great Eastern Portal.  

Q5. How to apply for the Kiddo Express Programme and what is the process involved in this Programme?
A5. Once the treating doctor confirms that the Life Assured requires admission, the Hospital will assess the Life Assured’s eligibility for this Programme through the Great Eastern Portal. If deemed eligible and the condition falls under the 10 coverable diagnoses, the Hospital will obtain consent from the parent or guardian by having them to sign a form agreeing the Programme terms and conditions. Subsequently, the Hospital will promptly arrange Life Assured’s admission to the ward without waiting for GL processing. Please note that admission to ward is subject to bed availability.

Q6. How does this Programme impact the Life Assured and agency?
A6. This Programme will facilitate hassle-free admission and discharge for eligible Life Assured aged 12 and below to the ward without having to wait for GL processing. Our objective is to reduce parental anxiety associated with long waiting times and enhance the overall experience for our valued Life Assured during their hospitalization at our Preferred Hospitals.

Q7. What if the Life Assured is not eligible for the Programme or the parent/ guardian is NOT keen to participate in the Programme?
A7. Following our current practice, the Hospital will submit GL request. We will promptly review, process and provide the Hospital with the status update.

Q8. What if the treatment cost exceeds the initial guarantee amount of RM10,000?
A8. If the ongoing cost exceeds the initial guarantee amount, the Hospital will request for a Top-Up GL as per our current process.

Q9. Is this Kiddo Express Programme applicable to other age groups?
A9. No. This Programme is only applicable to Life Assured aged 12 and below at the moment until further notice.  

Q10. Why are some of the panel hospitals not in the list?
A10. This Programme is exclusively for Life Assured seeking treatment in our Preferred Hospitals. Please note that this initiative is only applicable for GELM individual life policies.  


W.P Kuala Lumpur
 1. Columbia Asia Hospital, Setapak
 2. Prince Court Medical Centre

 1. Assunta Hospital
 2. Beacon Hospital** Not participating kiddo express as they do not accept pediatric patient for non-cancer treatment
 3. Bukit Tinggi Medical Centre
 4. Columbia Asia Hospital, Bukit Rimau
 5. Columbia Asia Hospital, Cheras
 6. Columbia Asia Hospital, Klang
 7. Columbia Asia Hospital, Petaling Jaya
 8. Columbia Asia Hospital, Puchong
 9. KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital 2
 10. Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre
 11. Subang Jaya Medical Centre
 12. Sunway Medical Centre

Negeri Sembilan 
 1. Columbia Asia Hospital, Seremban

 1. Kuantan Medical Centre

 1. Mahkota Medical Centre
 2. Pantai Hospital, Ayer Keroh

 1. Columbia Asia Hospital, Iskandar Puteri
 2. Columbia Asia Hospital, Tebrau
 3. KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital
 4. Pantai Hospital, Batu Pahat
 5. Regency Specialist Hospital

Pulau Pinang
 1. Island Hospital
 2. Loh Guan Lye Specialist Centre
 3. Sunway Medical Centre Penang

 1. KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital

 1. Kedah Medical Centre

East Malaysia
 1. KPJ Sabah Specialist Hospital – Sabah
 2. Borneo Medical Centre, Kuching – Sarawak

WhastApp now 👇🏻🙂:
Mr Tai
Ms Lee

Buying insurance cannot change your life but it prevents your lifestyle from being changed
顾问给建议 您来做决定 - 『留爱、不留债』

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#LTLifeFinancial #GreatEasternLife #MedicalCard #儿童医药卡

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